The IDA ZIEGLER departed London on 26 July, 1866 and arrived in Auckland, via Plymouth, on
22 October, 1866, with Captain Abraham L Reynolds in command.

Transcribed from The Daily Southern Cross, 23 October 1866, Page 4



The favourite London passenger ship Ida Ziegler, A. L. Reynolds, Esq., commander, arrived off the port last evening, only 88 days out, and has for the eighth voyage made the quickest run of the season. She brings a full general cargo and 147 passengers, and arrives in her usual neat and healthy condition. On her last trip the Ida Ziegler was taken up for transport of troops to England, and made one of her characteristic runs to Plymouth. Since then she has been thoroughly overhauled, and still retains that smart appearance which has been so long the object of admiration during her visits to these waters. On the present trip, she left Plymouth on the 24th July, with light westerly weather. Experienced very good N.E. trades, and sighted and passed outside Brava on the 10th August. Crossed the equator on 24th August, in longitude 23.30 W. Had S. E. trades well to the southward. Passed the meridian of the Cape on the 14th September, in latitude 41 S., and ran the easting down in parallel of 45 S. latitude with strong westerly and north winds. Passed an iceberg on the 23rd September, in latitude 44.30 S., longitude 55 E. Sighted Tasmania on the 11th October; light southerly winds along the coast. Sighted the Three Kings on the 18th October, since which she had nothing but light S.W. winds. July 25, spoke British ship Thunderbolt, steering south-west. August 1, spoke the Mary Ann Williams, latitude 35.30 N., longitude 17 W., steering south west. August 14, spoke the Moise of France, in latitude 10 N., longitude 33 W. August 30, spoke the A. H. Gordon, in latitude 20.12 S., longitude 35.47 W.

We have to report two deaths on board and one birth during the passage. On the 1st October, a saloon passenger, named A. J. Stottard, died of consumption; and on the 14th October a youth named William B. Davis died of pneumonia. The only birth has been, on the 12th, the child of Elizabeth Hopkins.

This is the eighth voyage here of the Ida Ziegler, and the passengers have reason to congratulate themselves and Captain Reynolds on the smartness of the passage. Considerable interest was felt in town yesterday in ascertaining the name of the vessel signalled, although those who knew Captain Reynolds and the vessel under his command felt little hesitation in pronouncing them the same. Notwithstanding the prevalence of westerly winds to the equator, which retarded the progress of the vessel, she has once more made the passage par excellence of the season, and has only exceeded the time of her last rapid run by five days. The Ida Ziegler is freighted by Messrs. Shaw, Savill, and Co. and again comes consigned to Mr. David Nathan; amongst her passengers are a number of immigrants brought out by Government on the bond of settlers in the province, and we need scarcely say that a variety of trades and occupations are well represented amongst the number. The passage is admitted to have been a most pleasant as well as speedy one to all on board, and in this respect fully maintains the reputation which the vessel, her commander, and officers have attained during a long experience in this trade.



On the vessel nearing Auckland harbour, the following testimonials were presented to the captain and officers of the vessel by a deputation of the passengers, and the compliment suitably acknowledged by the recipients:—

“Ida Ziegler, October 19, 1866.

“To A. L. Reynolds, Esq., Commander.

“Dear Sir, — As we now approach the termination of our pleasant and speedy passage, we cannot think of parting from the kind and gallant commander of the good ship Ida Ziegler without expressing to him our heart-felt thanks for the undeviating care and attention he has shown us throughout, promoting our comfort and amusement in every way. We all unite, Captain Reynolds, in wishing you and yours all happiness and prosperity, whether at home or abroad, both by sea and land. We would likewise take this opportunity of requesting you to thank the officers of the ship for their uniform kindness. And we must also express our grateful thanks for the attention shown us by all under your command."                                     [Here follow the signatures.]



"Ida Ziegler, October 20, 1866.

"To Mr. Mann, the Chief Officer.

"Dear Sir,— We, the undersigned, first cabin passengers of the ship Ida Ziegler, are desirous of expressing our sincere thanks to Mr. Mann, Chief Mate of the ship, for the zeal and attention he has displayed throughout the voyage, in the execution of his duties as an officer; and also for the uniform kindness and courtesy with which he has treated all on board.

“We all unite in the wish that he may have success in life, and that the day is not far distant when he will himself have the command of a ship worthy of his abilities,"                                                                                                                                                          [Here follow the signatures.]


"Ida Ziegler, October 20, 1866.

"To Mr. Patton, the second officer.

"We, the undersigned passengers of the ship Ida Ziegler, are desirous of expressing our sincere thanks to Mr. Patton, second mate of the ship, for the zeal and attention he has displayed throughout the voyage in the execution of his duties as an officer, and also for the uniform kindness and courtesy with which he has treated all on board. We all unite in the wish that he may have success in all his undertakings."             [Here follow the signatures.]




Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvey,

Miss Murray,

D. B. Orchard,

Mrs. Orchard and family (3),

Messrs. Alfred Nathan, T. L. and S. J. Vining, Ensign Woodland (14th), Ensign Barrett (14th), and Mr. James.


Second Cabin and Steerage:

West H. Hill,

Susannah, Mary, Arabella, and Justly Hill;

Margaret Davis,

Annie Pearson,

Timothy Black,

Elizabeth, Ellen, Lucy, Frank, Agnes, and Edgar Black;

Henry, Jane, Bessy, William, and Sidney Sankins;

Joseph and Elizabeth Jefferson;

George Griffin,

Henry Sanderson,

William H. Rickson;

Anne, Mary Alice, Helen, and Agnes Frodsham;

Charles Hazel,

Arthur Watkins,

Thomas Allen,

Alfred Bicknell,

Charles Somerville,

Edward Coltman,

Mary Greenwood,

Susannah Pilkington,

John Cockroft,

William Wilson,

Clara Sult,

Matilda Gethins,

Thomas Carter,

Thomas and Mary Cox;

William, Elizabeth, Mary, and Grace Hartnell;

Patrick Quane,

Edward Wood,

Charles Gutward,

Patrick Foggerty;

William, Anne, Caroline, Lizzie, and John Banks;

Margaret, Arthur, Ernest, and John Sanders;

Sarah Nicholson,

John and Sarah Hodgson,

John and Catherine Warren,

John Chalmers,

William Wayte,

Francis and Frank Ward;

Mrs., Elizabeth, John, George, and James Primrose;

Owen Lynch,

Mary Brailsford,

Horatio Le Gallis,

Walter Burman,

David Cullam,

George Donkin;

Peter, Anne, Henry, Arthur, Catherine, Amelia, William, Ernest, and Lily Mason;

James Dudle;

James, Sarah, Mary, Agnes, Henry, Josiah, Isabella, Anna, and Elizabeth Inglis;

George Day;

Elizabeth, Georgina, and Elizabeth Hopkins;

Charles Lloyd,

James Walker,

William and James Spink,

John Dalton,

Henry and Harriet Stillwall;

Jane Francis,

James Kennedy,

John Powell,

A. Radford,

Thomas Phillips,

Joseph, Thomas, and George McQuay;

Thomas Welch,

Benjamin and Thomas Gubb;

Samuel Burne,

Samuel Stevens,

John Davison,

A. Prendergast,

Thomas Carter. 


English, 125; Irish, 21; Scotch, 11; total, 147.


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