The MAY QUEEN departed 13 July, 1878 and arrived in Auckland, via Plymouth, on 19, October, 1878, with Captain R Tatchell in command.


Transcribed from the New Zealand Herald, 21 October 1878, Page 2


ARRIVALS. October ID. May Queen, ship, Tatchell, from London.




Mrs. Mullins.



Moses, Annie, and Lucy, Bate

George P, Emma, Charles, and Emma Cox

James and Sarah Crawford

Domnick, Anne, Kate, and Bridget Duggan

Henry, Caroline, John H., Edward W. and Robert C. Edwards

William, Elizabeth, and James W. Fothergill

Herbert, Eliza, Eliza A., Herbert T., James R. and Florence J. Gent

Stephen, Mary A., Edith M., and W. H. Giles

Thos., Bessy, Mary J., John, Lizzie, Joseph, and Theresa Goodwin

John, Mary E., and John Guest

John, Sarah, Robert, and Maud Hamilton

John, Ellen, Thomas, Lilly, and Geo. F. Hitchen

John, Elizabeth, Edward, Kate, Amy, and Agnes Hurle

Joseph, Maria, John, Ton, George, and Bertha Kennerley

Emerson, Jane, and Sarah A. Lee

Thomas G., Eliza, Rosa, Susannah, and Thomas Mold

James and Sarah E. Morris

John, Elizabeth, Ellen, and Mary Nelson

Charles, Jane, Geo., Sarah, Emily, David, Charles, Jane, and Edith Norgrove

Geo., Elizabeth, and G. T. Pearson

John and Mary Phillips

Joseph and Emma Phillips

William, Grace, John, James, and Benjamin Robinson

David, Mary A., William, Elizabeth, and David Roomly

John, Mary, and John E. Roper

Edwin and Agnes F. Stewart

Tho., Mary, Thomas, James, Mary J., Margaret, William, John, Elizabeth, and Ambrose Stevens

William and Mary J. Stribley

James, Ellen, Mary, and Michael Sullivan

George, Margaret, George, Charles F., and Mary L. Tesdale


Single men:

John Allen

John Atkinson

George Barnett

Wm. Batchelor

Edmund Beams

Thomas and Wm. Bone

Chas. Bracewell

James Buckley

Patrick Burke

Maurice Carmody

Michael Casey

Richard Connell

Thomas and John Connor

John Cottie

John Donovan

Robert and Thomas Doonan

Thomas Elliott

Meal. Gallagher

Robert Good

David Creaves

George Guest

Jas. Hay

Peter Hughes

Nathanial King

John Lee

Michael Linans

James McBride

George A. McCracken

Farigle McDavitt

Denis McDevitt

Patrick McGarry

Michael McGinlay

John McNamara

John Maher

John Matthews

Joseph, John, and Herbert Moffatt

Maurice Moore

Joseph Moray

John Mulcahy

James Mulycult

Eugene Murphy

Joseph and Michael Nelson

John Noonan

Christopher and Robert Osborn

John Pinder

Charles Shugg

Jesse Smith

John Stratten

John, Eugene, Jeremiah, and James Sullivan

John Thomas

James Walsh

John Welsh

Edward Woodford

John W. Young


Single women:

Margaret Bainbridge

Eliza A. and John Henry Barnett

Priscilla Batty

Matilda Clay

Mary Collins

Mary Connell

Mary Ann McCracken

Bridget Donovan

Mary and Catherine Driscoll

Margaret Enright

Sarah A. Foxwell

Annie Gallagher

Catherine Goodwin

Clara Groosmith (Matron)

Alice Hughes

Mary Handly

Ellen Hooper

Alice Hopkins

Mary A., Emma L., Constance, Brenda, and W. R. Kebsher

Catherine and Mary Looby

Josephine, W. H. and Charles T. Lixford

Catherine McGarry

Ellen McGrath

Maggie Mclntire

Jessie McLeod

Sarah Mayhew

Eliza Meade

Johanna and Mary Meade

Agnes Miller

Kate Minogue

Elizabeth and Elizabeth A. Moffatt

Cathe Mullins

Julia O'Brien

Mary O'Halloran

Emma Payne

Sarah J. Rowbottom

Mary and Mary A., Smith

Helena Sullivan

Mary and Ellen Stack

Emma Tippins

Ann Tuohy

Agnes Young


The following are the births and deaths:-



On September 22, Robert Tatchell Stapleford Gent

On October 5, George May Queen Edwards



On August 18, Lizzie G. Giles, aged 10 months

On August 24, Elizabeth Nelson, aged 10 months

On October 16, Robert Tatchell Stapleford Gent, aged 24 days

On October 17, Lizzie Pearson, aged 8 months


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie - 2012