The RIMUTAKA departed London on 13 August 1902 and arrived in Wellington, via Plymouth, Capetown & Hobart, on 2 October 1902. Captain H E Greenstreet was in command.


Transcribed from the Evening Post, 2 October 1902, Page 4




The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutaka arrived this morning from London, Capetown, and Hobart. She left Plymouth on 16th August, and experienced, fine weather to Teneriffe, where she arrived on the 21st August; sailed again the same day, and reached Capetown after an uneventful passage on 6th September. The fine weather continued during the run across the Southern Ocean until arriving at Hobart on 25th September, but from there to within 400 miles of the New Zealand coast dirty weather prevailed.

Following is the list of passengers:-

First saloon:

For Wellington - Miss Mein, Mesdames Fairley, Heigham, Messrs Borthwick, Fairley, Heigham (2),

Napier — Messrs Bolton, Nairn.

Lyttelton — Mlisses Hamilton, Montgomerie, Mesdames Hamilton, Hurst, Woodroffe, Messrs Hamilton. Holland, Hurst, Milnes. Master Woodroffe.

Auckland — Miss Sewell, Mr. Mundie.

Second saloon:

For Wellington - Mesdames Hughes, Bartholomew, Stone, Messrs Hawthorn, Bartholomew, Head, Cowie, Hitchings, Wilson, King, Stone. Wilkie, Masters Cowie (2), Hughes (3), Bartholomew.

New Plymouth - Misses Addenbrooke, Glassford, Ostler. Mesdames Glassford. Addenbrooke, Messrs Glassford, Addenbrooke, Master Addenbrooke.

Auckland — Messrs Bentley, Brunt, Hosking, Marshall, Rowland, Wilkins,

Lyttelton - Misses Hewinson. Le Breton, Mrs Binney, Messrs Binney, Durell, Kimber, Paster, Reid, Shaw.

Port Chalmers - Messrs Ombler (2).

Bluff — Miss Prichard.

There are 88 third-class passengers for all New Zealand ports.

Captain H E Greenslade is still in command, and under him are the following officers Chief officer, Mr. V. C. White- Parsons; second, Mr. N. E. Bower; third, Mr. W. M. Knowles, RNR; fourth, Mr. C. G. Worthington; fifth, Mr. W. H. Trapp, RNR midshipmen, Messrs Barnett, Duke. Mr. W. G. Chalk is chief engineer. Mr. G.  Chirgwin second, Mr. J. J. Skakle third, Mr. W. D. Taylor fourth, Mr. J. C. Barnes fifth; Mr. E. E. Bell is chief refrigeration engineer, and Mr. W. A. Wooton second; Electrician, Mr. W. J. Roberts. Dr. A. E. Neale is surgeon of the vessel, and Mr. F. Forbes steward-in-charge.


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Copyright – Gavin W Petrie – December 2018